I am an artist based in Scotland and have always used art as a form of expression.  I first started taking art seriously at a young age finding that it came naturally to me unlike other academic subjects and was encoraged to look at different artists and go to gallaries at a young age.  I continued to study art in high school and then in my furthre education.
I have explored different themes from differnt ancient cultuers to Identity - as well as doing different studies of still life and other subjects.  I use different medias such as oil, gouache, acrylic and water colour paint and different forms of printing mostly monoprinting and lino cut. 
I enjoy descovering and developing my style and what type of art I want to create in the moment. 


I get a lot of influence from singer song-writer Sinead O'connor.  She protestes important issues and has never held back in expressing her opinion.  Furture expressed in 'Remeberings' her memoir. Seeing the SNL performance of Bob Marley's 'War' I found very impactful.  I would like to one day create art that protests issues or world views that I feel opinionated about such as the feminist movement, the Monarchy, politics and abuse.